Reedly Road Desperado "Harry"
(CH Farao Anubis Ramses õ CH Farao Anubis Fariba on Reedly
«Harry», male, dob.28.03.07

íà ôîòî 4,5 ãîäà
Our love, pride and joy, the keep puppy
from the famous D-litter - HARRY! The last son of his glorious father FARAO
ANUBIS RAMSES, linebred I-III to him. A great show dog, a wonderful stud male
and the best companion ever :).
The sire of
3xEuroWinner, 2xJunior EuroWinners, World Winner & JunWorld Winner.

BIS at the biggest PH specialty in Russia,
judge Dominic Carota, USA
More pictures of Harry >>>
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